Practice Charter


    • treat you as a partner in the care and attention you receive
    • treat you as an individual and give you courtesy and respect at all times
    • provide you with the most appropriate care and treatment given by our team who are suitably qualified
    • give you full information about the services we offer and in particular about anything which directly affects your health and care
    • give you access to your medical records, subject to any limitation in the law, regarding them as strictly confidential


    • To be courteous to staff at all times
    • Responding in a positive way to questions asked by reception staff- they are trying to help you
    • Giving 2 working days for repeat prescription requests, or when a new medication is requested by a hospital consultant please allow longer for accurate prescribing
    • Out of hour calls (e.g. evenings, nights, & weekends) should only be requested if they are felt to be necessary
    • ask us if you don’t understand or are unsure about anything to do with your treatment
    • keep us informed if you change your name or move house or telephone number
    • keep your appointments and tell us as soon as possible if you can’t keep them
    • be ready to give us full information about past illnesses, medication, hospital admissions and anything else that is relevant
    • tell us when we fail to meet these standards so we can put things right. We have a Practice Complaints Procedure, details of which can be obtained from Reception